Made in Stirling is offering local creatives the opportunity to showcase their work in a Pop Up Shop in Stirling city centre for the next 3 months. The shop space has been fitted out with the help and support of amazing local businesses donating their time and expertise: big thanks and shout out to Stirling Electrical, Ogilvies and D Signs with materials from Norbord.
This venture is in collaboration with Start Up Street Stirling, Stirling Creative Industries forum and Stirling Council.
It's so sad to walk along the high street and see so many For Sale and To Let signs. I can't help thinking with the downturn of the economy etc the heart has gone out of the high street. That's one of the reasons this venture is so exciting, to take an vacant shop and through progressive, forward thinking turn a dead space into a vibrant creative space.
And yes, yours truly is planning to show in a couple of weeks time, but in the meantime you can find out a bit more by following the links: